Runner Questions

Runner FAQ's

We know you will have question so have complied the answer to the most frequently asked ones below.

Pre Race FAQ's

Refund or transfer to another race?

You will find full details in our withdrawal document.

Full details of our withdrawal policy can be found HERE

Full details of our Terms and Conditions can be found HERE

Transfer my place to another runner.

Full details of our withdrawal policy can be found HERE

Full details of our Terms and Conditions can be found HERE

We will be happy to do so no later than 9am on the Wednesday prior to the
race. This deadline is necessary to allow the runner database to be sanitised
and ready for the timing and medical company.
Not all race organisers offer up this generous service.
Any financial agreement is between you and the new runner.
To transfer to another runner please follow this GUIDANCE.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the new runner is handed your runner
number in good time for the race. An additional charge will be made to issue a
new runner number.
If the runner number contains the name of the original runner on there, feel
free to use a sharpie and alter it accordingly.
No transfers will be permitted after this time.

Tee shirt sizing guide

We know you runners absolutely love your race tees as a memento of your endeavours. We have a wide range of sizes available from XS through to XXL which covers the majority of runners needs. Just make your choice at point of order and this is the size of tee you will be given.

If after you have finished the race you feel the size you ordered is nit right for you, we will be happy, subject to availability to let you exchange it on the day. We do however insist that you wait until the final runner has finished the race as we pride ourselves on ensuring that every runner, no matter where they finish, are given the tee shirt they ordered.

All tee shirts are unisex and made of a wicking material.

Please see this sizing guide for approximate details.








Can I push a pushchair at the race?

Safety is our number 1 priority at all of our events, which all have in excess of 2000 participants on the start line.  This is quite a busy area with many runners in close proximity to each other. As a result we do not allow anyone to push a pushchair at our main races as the risk of a trip/collision is too high.

Our fun runs are however safe to have someone push a push chair as there are far less participants and not so crowded together. If you are considering using a push chair we respectfully ask that you choose your place in the start area wisely so as not to be a risk to others.

Link to all of our events HERE

Details of all Runner FAQS HERE

We offer up a  3 tier pricing structure for our races.

Early bird entry opens up on the evening of this years race having taken place one year in advance of next year. This is always at a discounted rate from the standard entry price.

The standard entry price is open until around 10 days before the race takes place. We actively encourage as many runners to enter at least 10 days before the race as it significantly reduces the work taken to process late entries.

Late entry price, subject to availability is an increase on the standard entry price.

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We acknowledge that all runners are different and run for different reasons. As an inclusive race organiser we welcome race entries from any runner irrespective of their ability. We do give away hundreds of free race entries every year to community groups and charities to assist them in their fundraising endeavours. We do not give free entries to anyone who is an elite runner.

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You can choose to run for any charity of your choosing and not just the main event charities. Please consider tagging us in on social media so we can share your endeavours

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Firstly it is your responsibility to ensure you are in good health prior to entering one of our races. As part of the entry process you must endorse the system with details of any pre-existing medical condition you may have. In the event of a medical issue occurring this will be shared with the medical company. You must also endorse the rear of your runner number with such details.

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For our events with 2 different distances we will be happy to move you from one distance to another. You will have to pay the additional entry fee if you are moving to a more expensive distance. If it is within 4 weeks of the race we will already have incurred costs to buy your runner number/timing chip which are distance specific, so there will be a small additional charge for the replacements. Please e mail for details.

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Yes you can, as long as it is still available, at a small extra cost. This allows us to continue supporting local charities and community groups through the race. Deadline is around 4 weeks before the race.

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Yes you can up to around 4 weeks before the race which is when the numbers are printed. There is no additional charge for this service.

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Whilst we have many years’ experience of organising races we work very closely with the respective local authority safety advisory group. They look at and advise on safety issues in relation to our race plans and risk assessment. This groups consists of all emergency services as well as several departments from the local authority. We very much value our working relationship with these professionals as we plan and de-brief our races.

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Yes this is provided by England athletics.

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A race licence is obtained through England Athletics. We have rigorous standards to meet especially in relation to safety, which are scrutinised on race day by an independent adjudicator.

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Your money will have left your bank account.

Log into your Results Base account and you will see your entry in there.

You will be on the entry list

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Race Day FAQ's

Results and Chip Timing

The race is chip timed using a transponder which is on the rear of your runner number.

It will only work for the distance you have registered for. So if you have registered for the 10k it will not work an the half marathon. As you cross over the start line it will start your ‘clock’ and stop when you cross the finish line.

Race Data

It is your responsibility to ensure your correct details are on the entry system at least one week prior to the race. Specifically, your correct date of birth and running club which could be used for prize giving. We are unable to alter any data after this time and no results will be altered as a result of your omissions.


Prizes for the first  male and females over the line will be awarded on gun time.

All other prizes including age group and teams will be awarded using chip times. For the team prizes it will be the aggregate of  times.

Full details of all our races can be found HERE





Each of our events is different but they will all identify specific areas where you can park, fairly close to the stat and Race HQ. Please note it is your decision where you park and you do so at your own risk.

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Yes they are, we apply to the local authority for a temporary traffic regulation order which allows an external traffic management company to close the roads and provide diversionary routes. You must however be aware that traffic may stray onto the route without pre notice, so you should be aware of your surroundings at all times.

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We are inclusive and welcome race entries from all running abilities. Our races are however running events and designed so that people run for the majority of the distance. We have an agreed set time for which we have to re-open the roads to general traffic and to minimise the impact on the local community. We will have sweep runners at the back of the race so they can encourage those at the tail end to keep running as much as possible. If a participant is likely to go well over the advertised finish times we will politely ask them to withdraw from the race for their own safety as roads are likely to be reopen prior to them finishing the race. We will work on a cut off time of 1hour 40 for a 10k and 3 hours 30 for a half marathon.

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Yes you can, please place the item at the road side in the big bag provided. Any items left will be sent to a local charity. Do not leave anything at the roadside that you want back as everything discarded will be tidied up and donated to charity.

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Yes there are portable toilets at all of our races. Please see specific race information or the respective runner guide for full details

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Yes we do, the times are
10k: 40 mins, 45, 50, 55, 1 hour, 65, 70 and 75 mins
Half: 1 hour 30, 1 40, 1 45, 1 50, 2h, 2h 15, 2 h 30

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Yes we do at all of our events. Please see specific race information or the respective runner guide for full details.

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If you have your runner number then no, just go straight to the start line.

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We do understand that some runners like to wear headphones and listen to music whilst out running.

The organisers do not support the use of personal headphones during the race.  If you do choose to run with headphones on you do so entirely at your own risk as it will significantly reduce your ability to listen to safety instructions from our race crew or other runners. It will also reduce your chances of being able to hear any traffic which has strayed onto the race route.

We are however bound by the rules of England athletics who state that only bone conducting earphones may be used in a race where the roads are not closed to traffic.

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Post Race FAQ's

Pop a post on your social media with details and tag us in. E mail us and we will do check if it has been handed in.

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Absolutely we do in several formats. On the evening of the race our team meet up and we have what we call a hot de-brief to discuss any significant issues that have arisen on race day. We also take feedback from our fab race crew, service providers and our runners. We also make contact with the safety advisory group to seek any feedback issues that may have come to their attention. Once we have all this in place our team meets up and amends the plans for the following year. We generally submit revised plans around 11 months prior to next years event.

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Please e mail

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Results Base timed the race on your behalf, they are best placed to answer any queries you may have

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These will be posted on the Results Base web site

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Withdrawal FAQ's

Can't find the answer?

Use the form below to ask a question


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